#46'2024 CONTENTS History and Culture of the Yukahgirs Latushko Yu.V., Krayushkina T.V. Preface Downloads Ru Zhukova L.N. Landscape Code “Land” in the Traditional Ethnic Symbolism of Forest Yukagirs of the Upper Kolyma Downloads Ru Podmaskin V.V. Yukaghir Folk Calendar: Traditions and Innovations (Second Half of the 19th — First Quarter of the 21st Century) Downloads Ru Fadeeva E.V. The Role of Women in the Traditional Social Organization of the Yukaghirs (17th — Early 20th Centuries) Downloads Ru Gvozdev R.V. The Protective Armor of the Yukaghir Warrior Downloads Ru Prokopenko V.I. Psychоphysical Training of Yukagirs in the Past Downloads Ru Pertsev D.M. Yukaghirs: Language and Genetics. A Pespective from Abroad Downloads Ru Prokopeva P.E. The Modern Sociolinguistic Situation among Yukaghirs Downloads Ru Filippova V.V. Yukaghir Settlement in Yakutia and Language Situation: Identifying Interrelationships Using Gis-Technologies Downloads Ru Fetisova L.E. The Fairy-Tale Folklore of the Yukaghirs in a Comparative Aspect Downloads Ru Krayushkina T.V. Poetry of the Yukagirs in Russian Language for Children: System of Imagery and Theme (Based on the Material of L. Demina’s Poems) Downloads Ru Ethnology of China Medvedeva U.S. The Appearance of Chinese Women in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s Downloads Ru Shotiva E.A. Vladivostok in Chinese Travel Blogs Downloads Ru Colonislism in the East Popova I.F. Initial Period of the Jesuits Missionaries’ Activities in China Downloads Ru Golovachev V.Ts. The 360th Anniversary of Expelling the Dutch Colonizers from Formosa and the Image of Zheng Chenggong (Koxinga) in Russian, Mainland China and Taiwan Historiography Downloads Ru Liu Xianzhong. PRC in the Struggle Against Hegemonism and Colonialism: Position and Actions Downloads Ru Kadyrbaev A.Sh. The Specifity of the Colonial Policy of the Japanese Empire during 20th Century Downloads Ru Perminova V.A. Anticolonial Movement in the Era of Japanese Rule in Taiwan (1895—1945) Downloads Ru Vorontsov A.V. The Legacy of Japanese Colonialism Is the Cause of Antagonism between the DPRK and the ROK Downloads Ru Kolotov V.N. Modernized Strategematics Against French Colonialism in Vietnam in the Middle of the 20th Century Downloads Ru Dinh Quang Hai. The Policy of Invasion of the US Empire and the Struggle of the Vietnamese People for Independence and Freedom of the Motherland Downloads Ru Panarina D.S. The Philippines: from Colonial Period to the Fight for Independence Downloads Ru Mendy P.I. Colonialism in Africa and Asia, and Neo-Colonialism Downloads Ru Goryachev N.N. Colonialism in the Small States of Oceania: Past and Present Downloads Ru Borkoniuk G.O., Chumachenko T.A. The Evolution of the Relationship between the Russian and Antiochian Orthodox Churches in the 1960s in the Context of the Foreign Policy of the Soviet State Downloads Ru